Sebgħa lezzjonijiet fuq il-ħajja ta’ Tereża ta’ Ġesù u l-esperjenza mistika tagħha. Ghal aktar informazzjoni ghafas hawn Parteċipanti interessati għal...
Commencing October 2014 on a Part-Time Evening basis (6 semesters) If you would like to apply for this course and...
In the school of spirituality the allegorical praxis is unavoidable. It is employed as an interpretive tool, and as an...
Seminar on Edith Stein from the 15th – 16th February 2014 Detailed information can be found on the Carmelite Priory...
Henri Nouwen ( 1932 – 1996 ) is regarded as one of the most influential spiritual writers in the contemporary Christian...